Final Conference - The Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture”: Reflecting on a Paradigm and a Format of Knowledge (Online Conference)

First publications of the recording of the conference via YouTube:

1. Official Welcome

Michael Hoch (Bonn):
Official Welcome by the Rector of the University of Bonn

Volker Kronenberg (Bonn):
Official Welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts

Ursula Bach (Bonn):
Greeting by the Project Agency (PT-DLR) on Behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research


2. Werner Gephart and Jacques Commaille

Werner Gephart (Bonn):
Legal Analysis as a Study of Cultures – A Visual Story

Jacques Commaille (Paris):
Keynote: Le format du Käte Hamburger Kolleg dans le paysage scientifique


3. Panel I: Developing the “Law as Culture” Paradigm
Chair: Marta Bucholc (Bonn / Warsaw)

Werner Gephart (Bonn):
Presentation of the “Law as Culture” Paradigm

Judith Hahn (Bonn)
Greta Olson (Gießen)
Martin Ramstedt (Oñati)
Jan Christoph Suntrup (Munich)


4. Panel II_1: Applying the “Law as Culture” Paradigm
Chair: Diana Villegas (Paris)

Raja Sakrani (Bonn):
The Arab Uprising: A Normative Project and its Failure

Greta Olson (Gießen):
From Legal Culture to Cultures of Legality


5. Panel II_2: Applying the “Law as Culture” Paradigm
Chair: Diana Villegas (Paris)

The Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture” from a Fellow Perspective: Between Saint-Simon’s Aristocratic Model and Hypermodern Think Tanks

Angela Condello (Messina)
Sabine N. Meyer (Bonn)
Masahiro Noguchi (Tokyo)
Chioma Daisy Onyige (Port Harcourt / Bonn)


6. Panel III_1: In the Realm of Legal Normativities
Chair: Daniel Witte (Bonn)

Markus Gabriel (Bonn): The Social Ontology of Social Networks - Disagreement without Objects

Clemens Albrecht (Bonn): Manners, Mores, and Etiquette


7. Panel III_2: In the Realm of Legal Normativities
Chair: Daniel Witte (Bonn)

Nina Dethloff (Bonn): Conflicts and Tensions of Legal Cultures

Pierre Brunet (Paris): The Rights of Nature


8. Panel IV_1: The Art of Law and Art Law
Chair: Jure Leko (Bonn)

Tim Shaw (Cornwall) / Werner Gephart (Bonn): Breakdown Clown and Artificial Intelligence


9. Panel IV_2: The Art of Law and Art Law
Chair: Jure Leko (Bonn)

Discussion with Former Fellows: The Encounter of Law and Art
Patrícia Branco (Coimbra)
Peter Goodrich (New York / Abu Dhabi) 
Maurizio Ferraris (Turin)
Morag Josephine Grant (Edinburgh) 
Dieter Ronte (Bonn)


10. Panel IV_3: The Art of Law and Art Law
Chair: Jure Leko (Bonn)

Richard Münch (Bamberg): Keynote: The Future of a Culture of Law
